Objective-C Resources

Learning a programming language is hard, especially difficult if you try to do it in a vacuum. There are lots of great resources online and offline. I have compiled a list that will helpfully help both of us. 


The biggest resource that a developer of any language is StackOverflow. It is a great community built around a question and answer site. The site was launched in 2008. In the last 7 years lots and lots of questions have been asked and answered so it is most likely you will be able to find the answer out to any issues a beginner will run into. 

Search Engine / Google

The next great resource is the general internet. There are an endless amount of blog posts, ObjC resources, and and tutorials that have been posted around the net. A majority of the results that come back will be from StackOverflow but you'll also find great blog posts (especially those written by Flatiron students!).


Old heads will remember the days of internet relay chat. Think Slack before the internet was cool. There are tons of channels on all different networks where developers hang out and help one another. A few of the popular ones are on EFnet. They are #learnprogramming, ##objc, #iphonedev, and #cocoa-init. 


Reddit has a few programming subreddits that can be very helpful as well. /r/iosprogramming is a great resource for iOS specific questions but there are also more general programming reddit like /r/dailyprogrammer where weekly challenges of varying levels are posted that can be solved in any language. It is can be helpful to review other people's code to learn tidbits. 


Here is a list of Objective-C blogs that have tutorials and walk throughs. When learning something complex like a programming language it can be helpful to read over different people's interpretations. While one person's explanation might not click for you someone else's may.



Cocoaheads is an international group of Objective-C & Swift developers. Each groups holds their own (monthly) meetings. Often people will demo apps or projects they work on as well as have a presentation about a particular topic related to the Apple developr world.

Apple's Developer Library

Lastly the most dry but most informative resource is Apple's own documentation. It is the best place to find methods that have been deprecated as well and new features that you may not have known about. Not only do they document the language but also have their own their own guide to walk you through the first step of installing Xcode all the way to writing full featured apps.